Issue: After restore of primary site SUP not synchronizing on secondary site.
You will see this error on : replmgr.log
Replication file D:\CM2012\inboxes\\incoming\c8nhdyoq.RPT has an old transaction ID (Object Type = SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER, Object ID = P01.SYN, Transaction ID = 39), the current transaction ID is 710, delete it.
Based on the design, if the registry value Transaction ID of sending site is smaller than the IDs stored in the destination sites .TRS file, destination sites replication manager will reject the replication filebecause it thought this file is an old file and can be ignored. Therefore, in this case, we need to increase the sites transaction IDs to fix this issue.
Point 1: On the sending site find the following registry hive:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\COMPONENTS\SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER
Then in the right panel, find and write down the Transaction ID registry value.
Point 2: On the destination site open the SENDINGSITECODE.TRS file under the \inboxes\\history folder. You may find a lot of transaction IDs for many components. Please check if the Transaction ID registry value on sending site is smaller than any transaction IDs stored in the sendingsitecode.TRS file on the destination site.
If so, write down the largest Transaction IDs stored in the sendingsitecide.TRS file on destination site.
Point 3: Then go to site (sending site), change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\COMPONENTS\SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER | Transaction ID registry value to a number which is larger than the largest IDs stored in the sendingsitecode.TRS file on the destination site.
After Performing above steps Restart SUP AND SMS Service on the primary.
Note: Before performing make sure take backup or snapshot
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Happy Learning!!!
Haresh Hirani
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
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